Friday, May 30, 2014

Why are we here?

People always wonder why we're here. Is it really because God put us here, or was it our parents that just screwed up and we were an OOPS. I always wonder why i was placed here. My mind sometimes goes to those dark places in the the clouds and sometimes you just can't get out of it. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me? Today i'm going away with my friend for a week, it will give me time to think and relax by the pool. I need to get away from the gossip, the lies, the betrayal of friends. It would be better that way. I hope to have my mind set on the future from now on. If i ever get to go to my dream college, i can forget about this life and move on to the next. Life is about moving on, right? That is where we have to take it, to the next step and walk ahead and never look back. My sister looks up to me, if you have younger siblings you would understand what kind of motivation that brings to my heart. If i were to let go of my life like i was going too, I would let down my one and only goal in life; that goal is to keep my nine year old sister on the road to success! She will be a professional soccer player, a kids dentist, anything crazy thing she has ever told me she was going to be. That's why I'm here, to listen to her thoughts. I want to have that goal stamped with a golden star to just know i did the right thing to have her in the right place. That is why I'm here. We all have this goal in life that makes us want to move forward. Moving forward can bring you to the good places and then it will bring you to the bad ones. If you are in a good place in life, good job, if you aren't, just move forward. It wont hurt anything but to go to a more happy place and find your goal in life. I had to think deep and hard to figure out why i am here. My goal is my sister, whats yours? comment your road to success story and share what had you keep going. 

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